“Road to Harvard” – Essay competition 2019

“Road to Harvard” – Essay competition 2019
Deadline is June 2, 2019

“Road to Harvard” – Essay competition 2019

It's that time again!


For the second time, the Harvard Scholarship Foundation Germany e.V. organizes the essay competition "Road to Harvard".


► You think a university like Harvard is out of your reach?

► You don’t know yet if you’re going to go to university, but you’re committed to social causes, have a favorite subject and are passionate about a certain area?

► You really would like to take a look at Harvard and find out what’s involved in the application process?


Win a trip to one of the best universities in the world! A one-week jam-packed program: Lectures, interesting people, faculty and visits.


The Harvard Scholarship Foundation Germany e.V. provides inspiration and full support! In 2017, we contacted more than 400 schools throughout Germany for the competition. Nearly 80 young students competed with thoughtful and creative essays. From these applicants, 25 particularly interesting finalists were selected and invited to the finals for an interview with six representatives of the various Harvard Clubs in Germany. The six winners of the competition were allowed to travel to Cambridge to immerse themselves in the world of Harvard University, accompanied and supervised by members of the Harvard Scholarship Foundation Germany e.V.


In order to participate in the competition, you must be between 16 and 19 years old, high school student and living in Germany.


Phase 1:

Upload the following documents to the website of the Harvard Scholarship Foundation Germany e.V. 

a) an essay on the topic of: How do recent political developments affect German-American relationships respectively the relationship between the two countries? (max. 4 pages)

b) a motivation letter (max. 1 page)

The essay and letter of motivation must be written in English.


Before preparing and uploading your work please read the information on the website. This phase of the competition ends as soon as 200 applications have been submitted, at the latest, however, by June 2, 2019.


Phase 2:

By end of May the selection committee will name the 20 competition finalists. The finalists will receive an invitation to the Summerfest on Juli 20, 2019 in Düsseldorf. The interviews will take place on the day of the Summerfest, during which you can affirm your interest and motivation for visiting Harvard University. The winners will be announced and awarded at the evening event.


The main prize:

A one-week educational trip to the USA during which you will visit different faculties and Harvard University ‘schools’ with us, take part in seminars, meet students and those in charge of the application center, ask questions, get answers, and – most importantly – get inspired. Please note, that the trip will take place end of October, 2019.


Sole organizational condition:

The winners require a passport and a visa for entering the USA at the latest by the time of travel.


Please direct any questions you have about the competition to: info@scholarship.harvard-club.de We look forward to hearing from you!